Things I need to improve…

Good Evening,

I hope everyone had a positive, productive week. Part of having success in business or anything is identifying your weaknesses and mitigating them as much as possible. Here are some things I know I need to get better at both personally and professionally.

  • Analytics and tracking. Data is key to decision making, and I am not great at it right now.
  • Image editing/creating. I am never going to be great at this… but I wish I could pop out a decent looking image when the occasion called for it.
  • Reading. I almost NEVER read. Even a few minutes a day would be good I think
  • Diet. My diet has gotten pretty crummy since I have been in quarantine and I need to fix it
  • Client onboarding. I focused on other things for so long my SEO client onboarding systems got lax and now that business is booming again, I am struggling to do this efficiently.
  • Book Keeping/Accounting. I am very bad at this, and while my accountant handles much of it, I could be better at it.
  • Focusing. I have not been nearly as focused as I usually am in recent weeks and it has lead to several problems (including many of the ones listed above). I think fixing this will fix many of them.
  • …and I still want to learn how to do a kip up. 😀

This of course is by no means an exhaustive list of course and its always a work in progress. But I know that these are at minimum some things I need to adjust.

Would there be interest in having anyone who wants to participate list what they need to work on, and have us all commit to improving one thing on the list or something like that?

Let me know in The Profiit Academy Daily Facebook Group
