Get to work

Good Evening,

There is a lot going on in the world right now as you may have noticed. Its natural to be worried, and to want to know what is going on. But the truth is, at this point, you already know what you need to do and what you need to not do in order to protect your health. You already know the precautions to take, and if not you can easily find them from the CDC and WHO.

So at this point there is literally no upside to continue to:

  • Get news updates numerous times a day
  • Keep track of the current numbers of people that are sick/have succumbed
  • Browsing social media to see what everyone else is saying
  • Having numerous conversation about what is going on all day long

You can’t impact what is going to happen at all beyond the health precautions, and filling your head with a non stop stream of information, particularly bad or negative information, often shared by people that have no business sharing information in the first place is only going to lead to stress, anxiety, and… lost time and opportunity.

There is a good chance your business has been impacted. I fit has you need to take action to right the ship. If it hasn’t then you need to take advantage of the opportunity that this presents that I spoke about a few dispatches ago.

I have my head down and am working my… neck… off trying to make sure everyone I am responsible for is taken care of and that my companies are prepared for the future.

For example today I:

  • Came up with a new advertising strategy for Legiit that is going to make it blow up
  • Created a new product that will allow me to help a lot of people and cover the costs of the advertising on it and then some.
  • Promoted my own services on Legiit
  • Finished a sponsored post for a freelancing blog
  • Finished a site audit for a new client
  • Sold 4 figures in services

And that is in addition the standard day-to-day of running a business… questions, calls, and issues that pop up. I am not saying this applies to anyone reading this… but I want to see a lot less of “Just binged all of Game Of Thrones #Quarantine” and so on. I want to see people turn off Netflix and go do something that will either get them through the hard times, or will take advantage of the opportunities provided by these hard times. Look over what you did today. Which of those 2 categories are you closer to? If it is the Game Of Thrones/Social Media Scrolling one… stop scrolling, stop binging, and get to work!

Which lead me to my question… which category will you be closer to tomorrow? I know what it will be for me.
