Withstanding the chaos Neo and the kung fu hustle

Good Evening!

I didn’t do much today so I don’t have a lot to update you on, I mostly just took it easy. I was exhausted from a long, chaotic (though profiitable) week. Being able to stay calm and stable when there is chaos all around you is a pretty vital life skill. This is something I learned from my Kung Fu teacher. There were times that he would put us through intense physical training… 20 minute horse stances, hundreds of push ups, hitting us with staffs etc… He explained that it wasn’t just to build up physical strength, but to grow the ability to deal with adversity and chaos in every part of your life, and it is something I have really come to value and benefit from.

Withstanding the chaos Neo and the kung fu hustle

Now this is an extreme example… but being able to keep your wits about you and stay focused and calm will give you an edge over everyone else. Now this isn’t something I can give a lot of advice on since everyone reacts differently and has different circumstance; but what I can tell you is to just know what the most important thing you have to do is and focus on that. Do what you can with everything else that comes up to get it out of the way or delay them, but whatever you do don’t get rattled and let the enormity of what you have going on paralyze you.

You have what it takes to get through anything. Don’t let the chaos get to you. Be Neo watching everything happen around you in slow motion, accomplish your goals and make yourself some profiit.
