Small Changes, Big Results

Good Evening!

We have talked in the past about conversion rate optimization and how tweaks we made to Legiit dramatically improved CTR and other conversion elements. We are now getting even more data from the many changes we are making and the results are… staggering. For example some small changes to the shopping cart page (I am talking fonts, colors, spacing, and placement small) have in about a week results in a 5% conversion rate increase. 5% may not sound like a lot. But do the math at scale. That’s an extra $5,000 for every $100,000 of sales.

Amazon is masterful at this. I can’t find the study at the moment but they released numbers a while back that showed that they lose 10s of millions of dollars for every click that someone has to make to complete a purchase. Think about the value this provides for your clients. if you can add 1-2% sales for them with an easy tweak or two you have already justified your cost.

Today on Legiit we made 9 changes to this section

All very minor in terms of time spent… but we expect them to be very impactfull. While we are a couple years away from making Amazon level sales, this will still add a lot to our conversion rate and bottom line, and will help our customers…

…get more stuff done

and of course make more money for our freelancers.

While I am not expert enough to teach proper CRO it is a skill worth developing and testing various elements. I suggest asking Jim (Legiit co-founder) any questions you have, as well as learning the skill yourself. It can be the difference between success and failure.
