…and in closing

...and in closing

Good Evening,

I wrapped up my Surfer SEO promotion (well in a couple hours). With a promotion of this kind most sales are actually made AFTER the event so the follow up is so critical. Usually I like to run promotions through the Sunday of that week sending emails and posts every day, in this case the following day was all they would agree to. Regardless something like 70% of people that convert will do so after the webinar/event.

...and in closing

If you do a promotion like this make sure you get them a reply as soon as possible, hammer away on how awesome it was, how much value there is, and most importantly how URGENT it is to get the offer before the SCARCITY kicks in. See this is an (unfortunate) aspect of human psychology… most people will not do something until they are put in a “pain state” that is driven by fear (of missing out in this example) so it is super important to closing sales of any kind to be able to create these conditions.

Now don’t be a scumbag and lie/create fake urgency, but find a way to make it important for people to act NOW and you will make far more sales… I would even argue that you can’t have a successful promotion or sales career without being able to do this.

I will let you know how it turned out once I have some final numbers but its has been a very successful promotion week. 🙂
