Good Morning,
Take Care Of Your House
The elections in the United States are over for this cycle.
As some of you may know I used to work professionally in politics and be very passionate about it, as I see a lot of folks are today. The reason for that is that I saw it as a vessel to do what I believe my purpose in life is… help make the world better for everyone.
That’s still my goal/life’s work (I hope that’s true for many of you also).
That said I’ve realized something lately.
I’ve had low points in my life when I couldn’t help myself, let alone others when a Democrat was President.
I’ve had low points in my life when I couldn’t help myself, let alone others when a Republican was President.
I’ve had high points in my life when a Democrat was President. I’ve had high points in my life when a Republican was President.
The thing that was consistent was the high points happened when I was focused on the goal. When I focused on my house… not the White House things went well and I was able to help people. You see that’s the way it works.
When you focus on your house…
Your community’s house…
Your friend’s house…
Your family’s house…
…and not on the White House, that’s when you can truly succeed.
It won’t matter who is in the White House if your house is in order.
Take care of your house.
P.S. I’m not saying it doesn’t matter and you shouldn’t get involved. Politics have their place; but they aren’t what determines how your life plays out. That’s all on you.