Good Afternoon!
One of the great things about internet businesses is that you can run them from anywhere that there is WiFi/Internet
Even if you have a large team, they can be spread out all over the world as mine are (South Carolina, New York, Egypt, Serbia, India, Philippines)… but sometimes there is just no replacement for having someone be there in person.
Today Jim, who many of you know is the developer and partner on Legiit as well as other businesses came to where I live in Myrtle Beach to help map out some things.
In about 6 hours we managed to plan out a year’s worth of actions for 4 different businesses.
Now Jim and I talk every all dozens of times a day usually… and we never approach anything near that level of productivity.

I am not saying you need to have an in house staff (though there is definitely some upside to it) but there is definitely some advantage to, every now and then, get together with key people and work on things together.There is a concentration you can’t easily simulate, and an energy you can’t get through slack, email and phone calls.What do you think? Do you ever work with people in person? Does it help?Let me know in the Profiit Academy Daily Facebook Group